John Oliver schools President Trump on Vladimir Putin with NSFW song

Erin Jensen
John Oliver has got a song for President Trump.

On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver turned his gaze to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his possible relationship with President Trump.

"There is no hard proof yet of direct links between Trump himself and Russia," the host told his audience, "but he does have a weird, noticeably soft spot for both the country and its leader."

"I'm saying it's a bit weird that you've been objectively nicer to Vladimir Putin than you have to Meryl Streep, who I'm pretty sure is not an infamous autocrat," Oliver continued of the actress whom POTUS deemed "over-rated." "Although you know what? Now (that) I say it, if she tried it, she'd nail it. The woman's a tour de force."

Oliver suggested someone needed to "quickly to get into Trump's ear and educate him in how realistic getting along better with Putin actually is," and decided "the catchiest possible form" was techno music. Borrowing the tune of a pop song called A Man Like Putin, which describes why woman would want someone like the Russian president, Oliver explained why he thought President Trump wouldn't want such an ally.

"A man like Putin only wants power/he'll fake a tape of your golden shower," are just a sampling of the lyrics. Click here to watch the NSFW song and segment in their entirety.