Jon Stewart sticks it to the media: 'Take up a hobby; I recommend journalism'

Erin Jensen
Jon Stewart fresh from the 'farm.'

Farm to Late Show desk. Jon Stewart popped up from beneath Stephen Colbert's desk on his late night talk show Monday via "tunnel" from his farm.

In the NSFW segment, Stewart, the former host of Comedy Central's The Daily Show admitted he missed commenting on current affairs.

"Stephen, I spend the whole day yelling about Trump to the animals," he comically confessed, before delivering some slights about President Trump.

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"Trump lies more in one press conference than CNN does in a year," Stewart said, "and this is coming from a guy, who as you know, hates CNN."

He then showed clips of Trump falsely declaring he received the most electoral college votes since Reagan and claiming to be "the least antisemitic person."

"He said that to a guy wearing a yarmulke," Stewart quipped. "Donald, you're not even the least antisemitic person in the clip we showed."

But Trump wasn't Stewart's only target. He also had some words for the media during his appearance, which he delivered as one would to a friend who had just been dumped.

"Hey media, so I heard Donald Trump broke up with you," Stewart began. "It stings a little doesn't it? You finally thought you'd met your match, a blabbermouth who's as thin-skinned and narcissistic as you are."

"Well, now it's over. Well, good riddance I say," Stewart continued, snapping his fingers, "Kick him to the curb."

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"It is time for you to get your groove back media," Stewart advised, "'cause let's face facts, you kind of let yourself go a little bit... obsessing 24-hours a day, seven days a week about this one guy. 'What's Donny up to? Did he say anything about us? Do you think he's gonna come on our show?"... And the whole time you're chasing after Donny, the rest of us are thinking, 'Can't you see he's an (expletive)?'"

During this period of "self-reflection and improvement," Stewart suggested the media find a meaningful way to spend its time.

"Take up a hobby," Stewart said. "I recommend journalism."

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