Cute alert! Second eaglet hatches on live stream

Mary Bowerman
Live-stream footage of the eagle feeding the two babies.

The eaglet baby watch is over for thousands that have tuned in to the live-streaming video of two eagles taking turns keeping their eggs warm in Pennsylvania since late January.

Wednesday morning a second bald eagle hatched in the Hanover nest that gained national attention after the bald eagles protected their eggs through a fierce snowstorm.

Bird's-eye footage from the live stream showed the first egg hatching on Tuesday morning. Many have followed the birds from the Hanover Eagle Watch Facebook page and congratulated the new parents.

An eagle keeps two hatchlings warm in her central Pennsylvania nest.

This isn't the first camera the Pennsylvania Game Commission has put into an eagle's nest, but it's been the most popular, according to commission spokeswoman Lori Neely Mitchell.

"For us it's an educational opportunity to teach people about recovery of Pennsylvania bald eagles," Mitchell said.

She said they have almost 300 nests in the state.

Watch the parents switch places after the first baby hatches:

And a look at the second egg hatch:

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