Study: Trump supporters are cursing more often on Reddit than Clinton backers

Eliza Collins
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are pictured.

Donald Trump supporters are swearing a lot more than Hillary Clinton supporters in the comment sections on Reddit.

Trump supporters used 135% more profanity in their comments within the Trump Reddit community, according to an analysis by the writing app. 

The analysis looked at comments from the top 100 posts in both candidates’ Reddit communities (r/The_Donald and r/hillaryclintonJuly 7- Aug. 4.

“F---“ and “s---“ appeared in the top five of most-used words by Trump supporters. The most frequently used term was “Trump," with “Hillary” and “America” rounding out the list.

Clinton’s Reddit community used “Trump,” “Hillary,” “Clinton,” “Republican” and “Bernie" (in that order).

Despite less political correctness — which Trump himself prides himself on — and more profanity, both Trump and Clinton supporters used excellent grammar in their posts. Both groups averaged just 2 mistakes per 100 words, and those were often very commonly made errors.

Both groups also had overlap in the issues that they were discussing, though their views about how to handle them varied greatly, of course.

Trump supporters most often discussed crime and safety, foreign policy, immigration, national security and guns.

Clinton supporters talked about foreign policy, the economy and jobs, crime and safety, national security and guns.